Friday 12 December 2014

How To Make Coconut Oil

Organic coconut oil is one such product that has various uses and benefits. This oil does not only find its use in cooking but is also extensively used for hair care and skin care. Although there are variety of versions of this oil that are available in the market but only few of them can be called authentic and organic. The best solution to this problem is home-made coconut oil. Here we have described two of the easiest ways to produce coconut oil at your own home. The process is easy and simple and the outcome is pure and healthy coconut oil.

 Process-1 – The Wet-Mill Method

This method requires use of a brown coconut rather than the green one. It is just few steps and you can extract for you pure organic coconut oil in few minutes. Take a look.

•  Split the brown coconut in two halves using a sharp knife.

• Scrape out the inner part i.e meat of that coconut

• Cut that part into pieces and put these small pieces into a grinder or food processor.

• Blend them until the pieces are entirely shredded. (Add water if needed)

• Using a sieve or a coffee filter, drain out the coconut milk from the shredded coconut in a jar. Take a small         amount of it on the strainer and squeeze until the complete milk is extracted. Repeat the same process until the         coconut mixture is exhausted.

• Put the jar for 24 hours and let the mixture settle. (in a cool area, preferably refrigerator)

• After 24 hours you will observe a curd like layer formed at the top of the jar.

• Spoon out the curd and you are left with pure coconut oil in the jar.

Process-2 – The Cold-Press Method

While going for this process, go for dehydrated coconuts. For dehydrating, one can make use of an oven at extremely low temperature. Try and use coconut flakes instead of shredded coconuts.

• Put the dried coconut in small amounts in the juicer and process it. Repeat this step until the complete coconut         is used.

• Repeat the process as sometimes complete oil is not extracted in one go.

• Store the extracted oil in a jar and keep it for 24 hours in a warm place. This will allow the cream in the oil         to settle down and pure oil will come to the top

• Strain the oil in a separate container and use this pure coconut oil in your cooking and for your skin and hair.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Top Benefits Of Organic Emu Oil

The use of organic emu oil has increased relatively in the past few years owing to its remarkable properties that benefit the human skin. Recent researches and studies have proven that this oil is a safe product with absolutely no side-effects. Derived from the fat of emu bird, this oil is not only the best treatment for skin but also has various other advantages that most of us are unaware of. Scroll down to find out how a tiny drop of organic emu oil can do wonders for your body.


Organic emu oil is the best remedy for all kinds of skin problems. This oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the skin and nourishes it effectively. Various skin related issues like eczema, itching, drying of skin, cracking, etc., can be treated in an instant with the regular use of organic emu oil. The regular use of this oil as a moisturizer is the key for a healthy and soft skin.


As we all know emu oil is an amazing moisturizer and is indeed a boon for our skin. It is proven that this oil can replenish the dry ageing skin and improve the skin condition to a great extent. Age spots, fine lines, wrinkles; one cure to all these problems is organic emu oil. This oil can diminish or even eliminate all sort of ageing signs if used effectively.


Experiments in the laboratory of Australia and the USA have shown that emu oil can considerably reduce the inflammation of joints. The presence of linoleic acid and oleic acid enables emu oil to ease the pain caused due to inflammation; also it relieves one of arthritis pain and comforts stiff muscles.


With emu oil it has become easy to maintain the shine and health of one’s hair. Application of this oil can reduce the dryness of hair, eliminate split ends and promote hair growth.


Be it sprains, straining of muscle or injured ligaments, all these ailments are healed substantially (up to 50%) with the use of organic emu oil. One of the best way for any muscle related problem is emu oil. This is the reason this oil is used by athletes and other sports-persons as massage oil.  A therapeutic balm, this oil is getting popular day by day due to its striking characteristics.
Before purchasing an organic product, it is essential to know the difference between organic products and synthetic ones. Due to the increased adulteration in recent times, it has become slightly difficult to differentiate between authentic and fake products. The organizations all over the world have created certain benchmarks for organic products to ensure that consumers use authentic and genuine products. These organizations certify organic products only after due procedure and checks. As a consumer, you have to make sure that you check the certification mark of your country before investing in organic articles. Organic oil store is a place where you can find all information about organic oils. Get health advantages and benefits of Organic Emu Oil just visit this link